EVP, CSO Genworth Financial
Scott McKay is a technologist, strategist, business executive, board member and philanthropist. Over the past 35 years he has been in various consulting and executive roles at the General Electric Company (GE), Genworth Financial and Data Executives International (DEI). His experiences include over 35 acquisitions, IPOs, and divestitures; leading business start-ups, integrations and transformations; building and running global technology and operations organizations; digitizing business processes and designing and implementing competitive capabilities (where a capability is defined as the processes, technology, data and people).
He believes that today’s business environment moves faster, is more complex, and generates significant uncertainty. Therefore, sustainable competitive advantage is only possible when a business can win in their ever-changing markets with their capabilities.
He has been at the forefront of technology and business process globalization beginning work with India in 1993. He has developed a new technology strategy and design process that transforms the way people connect with each other, that automates previously manual tasks, and that deploys decisioning tools to improve decision speed and quality. He believes that CIOs should be their business’ competitive capabilities champion.
Scott’s passion for technology and the opportunities it creates for young people caused him to serve on the Boards of organizations such as FIRST Robotics, a non-profit that delivers 21st century life experiences to young people from elementary to high school and the Science Museum of Virginia Foundation. Scott founded the Virginia Technology Internship Program that helps high school juniors build confidence pursuing technology careers. Scott also advised on curriculum and taught at academic institutions including The University of Virginia and Virginia Commonwealth University.
Scott manages his life and career through a philosophy, not a plan. Every day putting people first; being a forever learner; respecting “different”; always delivering on direct accountabilities; understanding and embracing paradox; knowing that the odds always favor the competition; being uncompromisingly clear about “right” and “wrong” and always seeking purpose.